The guards were also very concerned about us.
The older one of them, Tshong (?),took me sometimes
to places around the house and showed me things.
He enjoyed it very much when I tried to learn
some words in Nepali.
Once he brought little chocolates for Uli and me.
When I had gone to the town and was a little late
to return he was already coming to meet me,worried
where I was.
He took me to his house to show me his room full
of Buddhist gods, religious items and decorations,
it looked very beautiful.It wasn't what I expected
of this old, frail man with bad teeth.
During the festival he woke me up early one morning,
took me to the place where you can see the Kanjinzonga,
invited me for a delicious breakfast and took me to
a friends house in the village.He hardly spoke any
English,but somehow I usually got what he wanted
to say.
I met some other Nepali village people, the older
ones I unfortunately couldn't talk to. They seemed
very good to me. Happy, friendly, attentive and
somehow pure.
Whenever someone translated some things they said
I found some kind of natural wisdom. Like one old
man; I sketched a portrait for him, very quickly,
because the light was fading fast.
I wasn't happy about what I had produced.
I don't think he is recognizable on it,
but he was very moved and thankful.
Later on someone translated to me that he had said,
that this drawing is real, unlike photographs which
are artificial.
Those people, of course, also observed me very
curiously. But somehow I felt different when they
were looking at me than when I went to town and
men stared. I felt uncomfortable when town men
stared like that.
When I asked why this is done, I was told that
they just do it, because I'm beautiful. Maybe,
but I felt treated like a Barbie doll which has
come alive. In the villages it was different.
To conclude this tale about my stay in Makaibari,
so abundant in words: I enjoyed every day and
I was very happy experiencing this new place and
meeting those wonderful people.
I learned the kind of important things which are
never taught at school. I lived, I moved on.
There waited some new ideas and inspirations for me.
Everyday there was some small or big surprising
thing happening that surpassed my expectation and
There were a lot of adventurous moments and
beautiful sights. I am very thankful that I was
given the chance to experience all that.
I'll do my best to proceed in my life doing good
and right things, being alert, open and responsible,
following my heart and my dreams.
I wish you and everyone all the best,