This week we had visitors from Japan.
Ms Keiko Taneda and Mr.K.Kikuchi. Ms.Taneda is a sensitive jounalist,whilst Mr.Kikuchi is not only a photographer,who makes ordinary scenes magical, but also an expert in Chinese tea. They were here to experience the spirit of Makaibari. Michikosan will no doubt keep you abreast when they publish their views in Japanese magazines.
We had informed all 1689 community members of a reward of Rs5000/- , if anyone could find a TEA DEVA,for them to see first hand one of the miracles at Makaibari. The TEA DEVA was first found in 1991at Makaibari,and has baffled entyomologists worldwide,and research is still on with the zoological society of India as well as the University of Hohenheim/Germany, as to what it actually is.
The TEA Deva is a virtual mimicry of the tea leaf in every aspect and detail. You can log in to our webpage to see for yourself what it looks like. Unfortunately,inspite of so many pairs of eyes looking for it, it chose not to reveal itself (its very difficult to locate as it camoflouges excellently with the tea fields and is very difficult to spot. In fact we have ten or so pick ups each year, and when
we let it go after studing its habits it literally vanishes in front of your eyes when released into the tea habitat.).
Rudolf Steiner, the father of biodynamic agriculture has stated that if all agricultural practices are truly holistic then the principal crop will be reflected in mimicry.
I guess we must be doing something right at Makaibari.
Till next week enjoy the blessings of the TEA DEVA to fulfill all your dreams.
Rajah Banerjee.